Chart is very popular word especially in the stock market and all traders and investors are familiar with it. In Stock market there is different type of charts available like Line Chart, Bar chart, Heikinashi chart and last but not the least most popular Candlestick chart. Stock market chart mostintraday, Positional and Long term investor used candlestick chart for making any trading decision base on it.
Candlestick chart formation is also very simple and base on OHLC (Open, High, Low, Close) on particular days or time. We used different time period charts for different kind of trading like intraday we use 5 min or 15 min, Swing and short term trading 60 Min or Daily chart, Long tern investor use weekly or Monthly Stock market chart. Some trader and investor also used chart with other technical indicators for more confirmation and making trading decision with favourable Risk Reward according to chart and indicators combination.
Technical chart with good momentum indicators like MACD,